1) Daniel's teacher told us that he was doing very well in maths. 2) I'm sure I can be anything I want to be. 3) Roger said that his favourite sport was basketball. 4) When I was little my father told me that it would rain overnight. 5) On the weather forecast last night they said that people in Brazil used the Internet more than anyone. 6) 600 years ago people thought that trainers were still in fashion (that day). 7) She sent me a letter saying that the new hospital would be built in 5 years. 8) The press report said that we were not allowed to touch the computer. 9) Tell your brother that I hate cooking and cleaning and that they are boring. 10) Dan told me that pollution was dangerous for health. 11) She said that London is the capital of Great Britain.
P.S. Обратите внимание на последнее предложение. В нём заключена информация, которая всегда была и будет действительной, а именно что Лондон - столица Великобритании. Поэтому в данном случае is в косвенной речи меняться не будет.
The chances of the country’s … have never looked so remote. 2.
She felt so, as if there had been some strange … . 3. … had better
be slow, in order that it may be sure. 4. … like these will make the
devices more usable. 5. As the revolution proceeds an inevitable
class … is to happen. 6. I like people, but when people become
"customers" certain nasty … often take place. 7. The whole history
of knowledge can be represented by one single line of progress and
… . 8. Pure energy, in all its …, is absolutely unknown to man. 9.
The idea was largely discredited by Darwin's theory of …, first
published in 1859. 10. In the opening years of the French … the
two men in Europe who seemed omnipotent were Pitt and