I was very glad to receive your letter and thank you for it. In my letter I want to talk about my summer holidays.
This summer I spent much time with family and friends.
Summer was very hot, so I went to the river to bathe and sunbathe. Every night I went out with friends, we had fun.
July started with the events of the standard Open-2013 which I visited with friends. At this festival we have listened to good music, saw a game of beach tennis and took photos with our idols.
Later I’ve spent much time in the country, collecting summer berries.
During those 3 months I read many interesting books, found new friends, and just had a good time.
On the 1st of September I came to school and I met my classmates whom I missed a lot. I started the new school year with a good attitude and a desire to gain new knowledge.
В 1 предложении - в слове skyscrapers - s -показатель множественного числа (небоскрёбЫ) Во 2 предложении - в слове thousands - s - показатель множественного числа (тысячИ) В 3 предложении - в слове country`s - s - показатель притяжательного падежа. В 4 предложении - в слове holds - s - показатель 3-его лица ед. числа глагола в Present indefenite. В слове - meetings- s - показатель множественного числа (встречИ). В 5 предложении в слове places - s - показатель множественного числа (местА). tourists - s - показатель множественного числа (туристЫ). Washington`s - s -показатель притяжательного падежа имени существ.
All the engineers (множественное число) and economists (множественное число) of the office speak English well. Все инжененры и экономисты в офисе говорят хорошо по-английски
Во втором предложении не знаю, как красиво перевести Machinoexport does (Present simple) business with different countries of the world. Бизнес по экспорту машин проводится в разных странах мира
Foreign trade is an important part of Russia’s (притяжательный падеж) economy. Внешняя торговля является важной частю экономики России
Dear (имя),
I was very glad to receive your letter and thank you for it. In my letter I want to talk about my summer holidays.
This summer I spent much time with family and friends.
Summer was very hot, so I went to the river to bathe and sunbathe. Every night I went out with friends, we had fun.
July started with the events of the standard Open-2013 which I visited with friends. At this festival we have listened to good music, saw a game of beach tennis and took photos with our idols.
Later I’ve spent much time in the country, collecting summer berries.
During those 3 months I read many interesting books, found new friends, and just had a good time.
On the 1st of September I came to school and I met my classmates whom I missed a lot. I started the new school year with a good attitude and a desire to gain new knowledge.
Your friend,