Read these definitions and choose the right variant.
1. In some team sports such as football, the player in the middle of the front row of forwards (= players who try to score goals)-
·Сentre forward
2. A point scored in sports such as football when a player sends a ball or other object into a particular area, such as between two posts-
Choose the right variant.
1. If you___ an earache, consult the doctor.
2. If Sam sports, he will be strong and fast.
Сhoose the right answer.
1. If Vicky had a lot of money, she a new flat in New York.
·would buy
2. If I time, I would clean the house.
Сhoose the right answer.
1. If Mary had remembered earlier, she her a parcel.
·would have sent
2. If my husband some money, he would have been able to buy a house.
·had saved
Choose the correct end of the sentences.
1. If I hadn’t woken up early, I would have been late for work.
2. If I had more time, I would rake the leaves
3. If he works hard in this company, he will get a bonus soon.
The Moscow Metro.
The first line of the Moscow Metro was opened in 1935. Today the Moscow Metro is the 5th busiest metro and the largest metro in the world. A lot of underground stations are landmarks. They look like underground palaces. The Moscow Metro consists of 13 lines with 203 stations (2017). Nearly all of them are underground. During rush hours the minimum interval between trains is 90 seconds. 7 million people travel on the Metro every day. The most popular stations are Pushkinskaya, Kitai- gorod, VDNH, Prospect Mira (Peace Avenue), Lenin State library, Arbatskaya, Botanicheskiy sad (Botanical garden) and much more. To many people, the Moscow Metro represents all that is great and beautiful in Russia.
На русском языке:
В России проводится много разных фестивалей. Но я хочу рассказать вам о фестивале народных мастеров и художников России 2022. Он пройдет с 15.09.2022 по 18.09.2022 в Сочи. Выставочным центром станет Гранд Отель Жемчужина. Основная тематика фестиваля: культура, ремесло и искусство. Будет много разных мероприятий, например, художественная обработка металла, литье, ковка, чеканка, филигрань, вышивка бисером и мехом, резьба по кости и камню. Особенно хочется побывать на кружевоплетении и купить сувениры. Надеюсь, я смогу посетить этот фестиваль в 2022 году.
На английском языке:
Many different festivals are held in Russia. But I want to tell you about the festival of folk craftsmen and artists of Russia 2022. It will be held from 09/15/2022 to 09/18/2022 in Sochi. The exhibition center will be the Grand Hotel Zhemchuzhina. The main themes of the festival are culture, craft and art. There will be many different events, for example, artistic metalworking, casting, forging, chasing, filigree, beading and fur embroidery, bone and stone carving. I especially want to visit lace-making and buy souvenirs. Hopefully I can attend this festival in 2022.
Примечание: за идею брала реальный фестиваль.