Summer is over. It's the 1st of Septemer. School has begun. This year there are again 2 new pupils in our class. They are shy first days in a new school. But soon they'll make new friends in our class and you won't tell them from other students. This year we are going to wear a school uniform, but five years ago we didn't wear a uniform. New friends - it's ok, but I was happy to meet old friends even more. Five years ago I decided to learn well and get good marks in all subjects. I worked hard and I did well all five years. Our teachers say those who listen attentively at the lesson and work hard at home can achieve even more than they expect themselves. You should only have a strong will. I'm going to study well this year too. I like to work at the lesson and then to talk with my friends during the breaks. This year we've got some new lessons. Tomorrow we'll get a new timetable. I'm going to take pictures of my friends and give flowers to the teacher. I've got a lovely new school bag. Tomorrow I'll take it to school for the first time. I'll have lunch with new friends at school and have fun during the break. I like school and I like the 1st of September.
Hello, Jake. Thanks for your letter! As soon as I have received it I start writing to you. Now I live in Tomsk. My new address is flat 24, house 5, Telmana sreet, Tomsk. My room is big and light. There is a sofa, a desk, a wardrobe in my room. There is a carpet on the floor. There are some posters on the wall. I need only a TV set and a music center. I hope my parents will buy it soon. Do you have a room of your own? Do you have a TV in your room? Do you invite your friends to your room? Sorry. I have to go. I must help my mother. Best regards, ……………...
1) The computer games are played by children every day. - В компьютерные игры дети играют каждый день.
2) Tasty dinner is cooked by my mother every Sunday.- Вкусный ужин готовится мамой каждое воскресенье.
3) The floor is washed in our flat on Fridays.- Пол в нашей квартире моется по пятницам.
4) Nice snowmen are made by my little sister every winter. - Красивые снеговики лепятся моей маленькой сестрой каждую зиму.
5) My room is cleaned by me on Thursdays. - Моя комната прибирается мною по четвергам.