4 Which of these things do you and your friends use? When do you use them?
Write about five of them.
memory stick mouse laptop touchscreen
tablet printer smartphone
Most of my friends use a memory stick to put
school projects and other homework on. We can take
them home and back to school to show to other
1-understanding- понимающий
2-creative- креативный
4-enthusiastic -энтузиаст
5-energetic- энергичный
6- tolerant -толерантный
7- forgivig -всепрощающий
8- self-controlled -сдержанный
9- encouraging- поощрающий
10- firm -твердый
11- self-confident- самоуверенный
12- strict- строгий
1-I think a teacher should be creative because he\she has very interesting lesson.
2-I think a teacher should be understanding because he\she is close to his\her students.
3- I think a teacher should be tolerant because he\she shows good behaviour.
4- I think a teacher should be enthusiastic because he\she makes the material more fun to learn.
5- I think a teacher should be energetic because he\she has positive attitude.