Exercise 1.Choose the correct article:
1 haven't got a job at the moment.
2. I'm a student.
3. I'd like to work in an art gallery in London.
4. I'm working on a project about Japanese art at the moment.
5.1 spend a lot of time in a library.
6. At lunchtime, I like having a sandwich in the park.
7. I lie on the ground and look up at the sky.
8. I live in a small village just outside Leeds.
9. There are some woods and a lake near my village.
10.My favourite place is the lake.
Exercise 2.Choose the correct answer.:
1. How long does the course last? A day or two?
2. We had a wonderful evening at the theater.
3. Would you like a biscuit?
4. You can only take one suitcase on the coach, not more.
5. Jamie scored a goal and Ryan scored two.
6. Lisa's sent me a postcard.
7. I've finished one essay, but I've got two more to do.
Exercise 3.Choose the correct answer:
1. We need to reduce the pollution.
2. I started playing guitar when I was nine.
3. The King Cobra is the biggest poisonous snake in the world.
4. Wilbur and Orville Wright invented an aeroplane.
5. Honesty is the most important thing to me.
6. Are you interested in science ?
7. Most people enjoy spending time in the nature.
8. A journalist has to be able to write well.
9. Children today are more independent.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer:
Example: The surroundings was /were beautiful and the food was delicious.
1. How much does this pair of tights cost?
2. Are you looking for your black jeans? They're on your bed.
3. I'm so tired! My feet hurt .
4. Physics is the scientific study of physical objects and substances, and natural forces such as light and heat.
5. I didn't like his glasses. They were too big.
6. This program's part of a series. Have you seen the others in them?
7. He hates Maths. He can't understand it .
1.1 bought some nice clothes yesterday. They weren't expensive.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. Use the following words:
can carton cup grams kilos liters meters piece (x3) slices
Example: We need three liters of paint for this room
1. I'm going to have a piece of that chocolate cake.
2. There's a carton of milk in the fridge.
3. I usually have two slices of bread for breakfast.
4. Let me give you a piece of advice.
5. Could you get me a can of cola from the shop?
6. I'd like 450 grams of cheese, please.
7. I've bought two kilos of rice.
8. Would you like a cup of coffee?
9. How many meters of material do you need for your skirt?
10. She wrote something on a piece of paper.
Воздушные мешки расположены между различными внутренними органами, а их ответвления проходят между мышцами, под кожу и в полости костей. Акт дыхания у нелетящей птицы осуществляется путем изменения объема грудной клетки за счет приближения или удаления грудины от позвоночника. В полете такой механизм дыхания невозможен в связи с работой грудных мышц, и он совершается при участии воздушных мешков. При подъеме крыльев мешки растягиваются и воздух через ноздри с силой засасывается в легкие и далее в сами мешки. При опускании крыльев воздушные мешки сжимаются и воздух из них поступает в легкие, где вновь происходит газообмен. Обмен газами в легких на вдохе и выдохе получил название двойного дыхания. При значение его очевидно: чем чаще птица машет крыльями, тем активнее она дышит. Кроме того, воздушные мешки предохраняют тело птицы от перегрева во время быстрого полета.