Well, my school number is 21 and I'd like to say a few words about it.
As for me, I go to school 5 days a week. My school takes rather important place in my life now. Sometimes I go there in a good mood, sometimes not. Frankly speaking, I try doing well at school. I'm in the 8th form. Besides, we've got lunch time too. I like having school's breakfast. To add to this, I meet my classmates at school. We're talking and laughing during the brakes, coz usually miss each other.
Generally speaking, my school is nice and I have good teachers. They are definitely good at teaching. I learn lots of different subject and like some of them: such as PE, maths, history, literature and of course English language.
In fact, PE is my favourite class. I like doing some exercises there. Sometimes we run, jump or play basketball or volleyball. I know- the movement is the base of our life therefore I need it.
Well, that's all I wanted to tell about my lovely school number 21.
Рождество один из главных праздников в христианстве. Многие люди считают, что в этот день, много лет назад, родился Иисус Христос. Это священный праздник, поэтому в ночь на Рождество в храмах собираются православные прихожане, чтобы присутствовать на праздничной службе. Вся наша семья встречает этот праздник: мама, папа, я и моя младшая сестра. Очень редко приезжают бабушка с дедушкой. В полночь мы садимся за праздничный стол и зажигаем свечи. У всех всегда хорошее настроение. После праздника наступает неделя, когда можно гадать. Мы с подружками каждый год ночью в зеркало смотрим своего суженого, но понимаем, что свою судьбу в зеркало увидеть невозможно. Но всё равно верим, что волшебство произойдёт.
Christmas Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. A lot of people consider that Jesus Christ was born on this day many years ago. It’s a sacred festival that’s why orthodox believers gather in the churches to attend the feast rite on Christmas. My whole family celebrates this feast: mother, father, my younger sister and I. My grandmother and grandfather very seldom visit us. We sit down to the festive table and light the candles at midnight. Everybody is always in a good mood. After the feast a week comes when we can tell fortunes. Every year my friends and I look in the mirror for our intended at night but we understand that it’s impossible to see our fate in a mirror. But anyway we believe that enchantment will happen.
Well, my school number is 21 and I'd like to say a few words about it.
As for me, I go to school 5 days a week. My school takes rather important place in my life now. Sometimes I go there in a good mood, sometimes not. Frankly speaking, I try doing well at school. I'm in the 8th form. Besides, we've got lunch time too. I like having school's breakfast. To add to this, I meet my classmates at school. We're talking and laughing during the brakes, coz usually miss each other.
Generally speaking, my school is nice and I have good teachers. They are definitely good at teaching. I learn lots of different subject and like some of them: such as PE, maths, history, literature and of course English language.
In fact, PE is my favourite class. I like doing some exercises there. Sometimes we run, jump or play basketball or volleyball. I know- the movement is the base of our life therefore I need it.
Well, that's all I wanted to tell about my lovely school number 21.