Past Continuous - продолжительное время. Образуется путем использование глагола to be во второй форме (was/were) и смыслового глагола с ing-овым окончанием (Ving). Применяется для обозначения действия, длившегося в определенный момент Маркеры времени - this evening at 7 pm, at midnight, all day и т.д. Если в произошло несколько действий одновременно, также употребляется Past Continuous (We were listening to music, while she was talking to us), для обозначения недолгого промежутка времени в редко используется для выражения неодобрения (He was always losing our keys while on holiday)
Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную форму – Present Simple или Present Continuous.
Water ... at 0 degrees Celsius. (freezes)
I ... to my sister at the moment. (am talking)
How often do you ... them? (visit)
Kelly ... chocolate. She is allergic to it. (does not eat)
Hurry up! Everybody ... for you. (is waiting)
Задание 2. Внимательно прочитайте предложения и решите, в каком необходимо употребление Present Simple, а в каком – Present Continuous.
a) Water is boiling. Can you turn the kettle off?
b) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
go to bed
a) It is very late. I am going yo bed now.
b) My little sister usually goes to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening.
a) John works very hard. He is a great specialist.
b) You are always working. Can you do something else?
a) I am living with my cousin until I find my own accomodation.
b) My brother lives in a big city.
a) What is he thinking about?
b) I think it is a brilliant idea.
Задание 3. Составьте предложения с глаголами-исключениями. Помните о разных случаях их употребления.
Oh, this chicken ... nice. (smells)
I can't meet with you tomorrow. I ... my lawyer in the morning. (am seeing)
"What is this noise?" "My neighbours ... a party". (are having)
Please, be quiet. My mother ... a headache. (has)
Do you understand what I ... ? (mean)
1. Option
2. study
5. networking
6. gap year
7. internship
8. environment