Довольно странное предложение.Никто в в современной английской речи не использует haven't в таком значении(разве что в некоторых редких диалектах ).В современной речи это звучало бы i haven't got или i don't have.И этот ought to тоже довольно устаревшее и отсутствует в активном лексиконе многих носителей языка ,хотя всё же можно иногда встретить в литературе но не в разговорной речи.В современной речи это бы звучало через should или просто даже без какого либо модального глагола.
Мне кажется что вам не стоит учить английский по данному учебник так как он учит довольно устаревшему английскому.
1. Drink more water
The first advice is obvious to everyone, but it is the Foundation of health and well-being. Some people may need more due to loss of body fluid, activity, ambient temperature, and other factors. Or Vice versa-less.
2. Wash your hands
Everyone knows since childhood that you need to wash your hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet, public places, before eating, and so on. But researchers in the US and UK claim that only 12% of people wash their hands before eating. Think about whether you are included in this percentage?
3. use dental floss
Dental floss helps remove bacteria and food debris where the brush can't reach. This prevents the appearance of caries, and its presence over time leads to serious damage to the teeth.
4. Observe the sleep mode
Some famous actors and businessmen spend only 5 hours of sleep, while others spend 8 to 12 hours. The question arises: how much sleep do you need to be healthy and productive? Unfortunately, no one knows. It all depends on you.
5. Try to track your nutrition
Tracking your food intake throughout the day can change everything. Download a special app that counts calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and tracks the number of steps. But be honest with yourself and write down everything you've eaten. Even night cookies.
6. Exercise in a good mood
Playing sports should not be seen as an obligation. If you start the exercise in a bad mood, then next time you will be too lazy to start it. Try first to make light loads a part of your daily life:
7. Do not lead a sedentary lifestyle
The longer you sit, the faster your chances of dying increase. Sounds scary. Researchers at the canadian Institute of fitness have found that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are really susceptible to early death.
9. Love yourself
There is a strong link between mental health and physical health. Therefore, when you think positively, accept yourself, praise yourself, your body condition improves.
10. Regularly check health
People are used to thinking that when they feel good, they lead a healthy lifestyle. But this is not always the case. It is difficult to say that you do not experience a deficit of something, if you do not pass the tests.
11. Build healthy relationships
If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you should not spend most of your time with people who do not support this direction. The solution seems to be simple, but not quite.
12. Get rid of bad habits
Smoking, drinking alcohol, or overeating are all bad habits. The most important thing is not just to get rid of them, but also to replace them with healthy ones.