The Tower of London is one of the main London's places of interest. It is located on the north bank of the River Thames and is one of the oldest buildings.
At different times the Tower was used as a royal residence, fortress, prison, mint and, even, zoo. Today the Tower of London is the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.
Every day its doors are open for tourists. A few black ravens live on its territory. The walls of the Tower are still guarded by palace guard in historical outfits.
The Moscow Planetarium is one of the largest in the world and the oldest planetarium in Russia. Located in Moscow near the new territory of the Moscow Zoo. By die opening van die Moskou Planetarium was die enigste een in die land, die dertiende in die wêreld en Europa. Die hoof aktiwiteit van die Moskou planetarium is die popularizatie van wetenskaplike kennis. Die Moskou Planetarium is die sterrewag vanwaar jy verskeie kosmiese voorwerpe kan waarneem. Planetarium gebou sluit verskeie vlakke. Teen die laagste, ondergrondse, is klein vlak Star Hall. Bo, op die eerste vlak, te, is die museum uiteensetting "Lunarium" Op die tweede vlak - 'n groot met die grootste teleskoop in Moskou, beskikbaar aan die algemene publiek.
The Tower of London is one of the main London's places of interest. It is located on the north bank of the River Thames and is one of the oldest buildings.
At different times the Tower was used as a royal residence, fortress, prison, mint and, even, zoo. Today the Tower of London is the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.
Every day its doors are open for tourists. A few black ravens live on its territory. The walls of the Tower are still guarded by palace guard in historical outfits.