If I do this test, I will improve my English.
If I find your ring, I will give it back to you.
Peggy will go shopping if she has time in the afternoon.
Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap flight.
If her boyfriend doesn't phone today, she will leave him.
If they don't study harder, they won't pass the exam.
If it rains tomorrow, I won't have to water the plants.
You won't be able to sleep if you watch this scary film.
Susan won't able to move into the new house if it isn't ready on time.
She will stay in London if she gets a job.
I will buy a new dress if I have enough money.
She will take a taxi if it rains.
Dear Annie,
Greetings from Nur Sultan! It 1) (is) freezing cold here, but I 2) (am having) the time of my life! Yesterday, it 3) was (snowing) all day, so we 4) (visited), the famous Khan Shatyr shopping centre. As we 5) were (walking) around the shops, I 6) (saw) a beautiful red winter coat. I 7) (went) straight inside the shop to buy it. I 8) (am wearing) it today and I 9) (love) it! At the moment, I 10) am (sitting) in a lovely cafe and 11) (drinking ) a cup of hot chocolate. Tonight, we 12) (are going) skating on the frozen river. I can't wait!