Я не суеверный человек.Так как,я не суеверный человек,я ни к чему,не могу относится суеверно.Я везучий человек.
Объяснение: потому что,суеверие,это выдумки людей,вот у меня например,есть дома лестница,я много раз уже проходил, под ней и ничего со мной плохого не случалось.
i won that game. i visited my grandmother. i was born in moscow. i left my house. i caught the ball. did you go to shop? did he go for a walk yesterday? did you write this text? did you sleep last night? did she put this copybook? i did not fell his pain. she did not throw the stone. we were not here yesterday. he did not understand this topic. you did not buy this book.
1.Where is your father?He just had gone to buy the press. 2.Have you gone to to the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine?- Yes.- When did you go there?- I went there last Saturday. 3.Could you lend me your mobile phone to call my parents?I have lost mine. 4.Did you see Olha's new computer?She bought it through the Internet this week. 5. Is it still raining?- No, it has stopped raining recently. 6.Have you heard the current events?No, I have not heard them yet. 7.The term "mass media" appearedin the 1920s. 8.I hate advertisement on the TV.But yesterday I enjoyed it: it was very funny.
Я не суеверный человек.Так как,я не суеверный человек,я ни к чему,не могу относится суеверно.Я везучий человек.
Объяснение: потому что,суеверие,это выдумки людей,вот у меня например,есть дома лестница,я много раз уже проходил, под ней и ничего со мной плохого не случалось.