dear alex,
thanks for the postcard. you asked me about the weather in russia. well, the weather in my city is disgusting. cold, windy, rainy and gloomy. there are puddles everywhere. the sky is gray and cloudy. the wind is pretty strong. a few days ago the weather was fine, the sun shone brightly in the blue and cloudless sky. but since then the weather has changed for the worse. by the way, what is your weather like in the city? what are you going to do during your next vacation? write fast.regards
dima (твоё имя)
1. Before sleep make sure to take a warm shower or a bath.
2. Dont use your phone before going to bed, you'll sleep better.
3.If you have trouble sleeping, drink a glass of warm milk.
4. Make sure you have everything ready for the next morning.
5.Make sure to create a relaxed environment
6.Dont go hungry or very full to sleep.
7. Stick to a sleep schedule.