Two weeks ago my parents and I went to the theatre to watch the opera, Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky.
My dad had bought tickets for us the day before, so we didn't have to queue at the box office. When we arrived at the theatre, we went to the cloackroom to leave our coats there. Then my mum bought a programme to have a look at the cast. Our seats were in the stalls so we had a great view of the stage and didn't need any opera glasses.
The opera was in three acts, so there were two intervals and the opera lasted about three hours.
At the end I had mixed feelings about the performance. On the one hand I liked the music, the singers' voices and excellent period costumes, but on the other hand I was a bit bored at times.
Фильм называется: девушка с татуировкой дракона вот описание фильма микаэль блумквист — талантливый журналист, который верой и правдой добивается справедливости в самых скандальных делах — неожиданно терпит фиаско в своей деятельности, в результате чего вынужден отбыть срок лишения свободы. в то же время влиятельный человек хенрик вангер поручает ему дело о пропаже его племянницы, которая таинственным образом исчезла из имения вангеров и о которой вот уже множество лет нет никаких новостей. а попытки хенрика разыскать родственницу также не приводят к положительным результатам. будучи скептиком, микаэль сначала не верит в удачу, но вскоре обнаруживает запутанную и леденящую кровь , связанную с семейством вангеров. в этом журналисту неформальная особа лисбет саландер, прослывшая не только гениальным умом, фотографической памятью, но и прекрасными хакерскими способностями.
My Visit to the Theatre
Two weeks ago my parents and I went to the theatre to watch the opera, Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky.
My dad had bought tickets for us the day before, so we didn't have to queue at the box office. When we arrived at the theatre, we went to the cloackroom to leave our coats there. Then my mum bought a programme to have a look at the cast. Our seats were in the stalls so we had a great view of the stage and didn't need any opera glasses.
The opera was in three acts, so there were two intervals and the opera lasted about three hours.
At the end I had mixed feelings about the performance. On the one hand I liked the music, the singers' voices and excellent period costumes, but on the other hand I was a bit bored at times.