ответ:Сверхъестественный, увидишь въявь, подьячий, птичьим пухом, двухъязычный, сагитировать, отутюжить, трёхэтажный, съязвить, изъян, сэкономить, мединститут, спортинвентарь, детъясли, киносъёмка, изъять, собезьянничать, волеизъявление, предубеждение, разучиться, сверхъинтересный, пьедестал, сверхъизысканный, адъютант, съёжиться, необъятный, дьявольский, субъективный, предъюбилейный, межъярусный, помещичьего, безукоризненный, необъезженный, неотъемлемый, разъяренный, компаньон, инъекция, контратака, безупречный, компьютер, интерьер.
Объяснение: сунь хунь
2. All were sure that Pyotr will pass all examinations perfectly well.
3. In the letter the son wrote mother that took part in the difficult, but interesting project.
4. We learned that they didn't go for is proud because of bad weather.
5. He told that by 5 o'clock he will finish work.
6. David told parents that he already invited to picnic of 4 best friends
.7. I was sure that I will pass a test with good result
.8. Nina's girlfriend told that she will buy tickets if it has such opportunity.
9. The father told us that he already saw morning papers and was ready to have dinner.
10. The girl told by phone that the brother went with friends to night club.
11. We were afraid that day will be cold and rainy.
12. By radio we heard that next day weather will be much colder and temperature will fall to – 20 degrees.
13. Tom learned that received a good mark according to mathematical dough.
14. He told that plans to visit Egypt if in the summer he goes on leave.
15. It took an interest, whether we will go to the wood for the next weekend.
16. She asked that we discussed, a cord she entered the room.
17. He learned that this person was once the general.
18. Tom asks, whether there was I at conference.
19. I ask you to tell nothing to it.
20. Anna warned Nikolay that he should work on the report on Saturday.