1. Enjoy the weekends too, have a nice weekend too, have a great weekend too, have a joyful weekend too, chill out over a weekend too, chill this weekend too, I wish you a great weekend too, have a relaxed weeked too, let this weekend be grateful, have an enjoyable weekend too, hope you have a relaxing weekend, have fun filled weekend too и т.д., очень много выражений по этому поводу 2. Magnificent, lovely, great, brilliant, excellent, marvellous, perfectly well, cool, awesome, pretty good etc. 3. I'm not feeling so well. I've got a headache. I can't recall to memory / I can't remember It turned to be so easy I'm in a good mood today, I have a nice temper today, I feel great today, I'm in a good humor today What are you doing these weekends? What r u gonna do these weekends? What are you up to these days? I need to take a rest for 1 mn, I have to take a rest for 1 mn, I need to have a minute's repose, I have to repose myself for 'bout 1 mn 4. How about yourself? How's it going? What's up? Wassup? How's tricks? How's it hanging? How are things? How are u keeping? How is it cooking? What's the crack? How' r u goin'? How's life? What's happening?
Именно за время проживания в Англии научилась этой разговорной лексике, если не сказать даже, что сленгу) используйте на здоровье!
A) The parties signed an agreement the other day. b) There is a coin in my chest. c) Has the chief manager signed the paper yet? d)Falling down the slope John broke a bone. e) The performance was surely a success. f) Russia is the biggest country in the world. g) Have you ever been to St. Peter's Square in Rome? h) My sister works in the large hospital in London. i) The weather was lovely when I woke up yesterday. j) "Where is Kate?" "She's in the living room". 1.It was cold, because the wind blew from the north. I don t like this hat; the wind often blows it off. 2. The agronomist caught a boy in his garden yesterday. Her children always catch cold when autumn comes. 3. The cup fell from the table to the floor. The plate is full of eggs. Don’t let them fall.
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