1.Prince John said to Locksley why he was shouting.
Prince John said to Locksley what he was name.
2.The teacher asked who had read "Ivanhoe”.
The teacher asked whom had it written by.
3.One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature what novels would we read following year.
4.The French- man asked was the river Volga in Russia.
5.Ann said were you playing volleyball, girls.
Ann said she hadn't known that you liked it.
6.Peter said to us not to touch these photographs.
Peter said to us they were still wet, and you may spoil them.
7.Fred said did your friend often come here, boys.
Fred said he wanted to speak to him.
8.My friend said to me how had you managed to solve that
difficult problem in such a short time.
9.The teacher said to us you would write a paper following day.
10.Kate said to Nick she had seen a new film previous day.
Nick asked had you like it.
1. This house doesn’t have heating, that’s why it’s quite cold in winter.
2. Government corruption is widespread in the country.
3. I have high expectations for this job.
4. He met his wife at a café. Now they have three lovely children.
5. The lost pasta is overcooked.
6. You can’t attach this file to your email – it’s too big.
7. Reality TV has been a very successful form of mass entertainment.
8. He left his car on a side.
9. We don’t have any meat at home. We need to go to the butcher's.
10. Go straight on, and the museum will be on your right.
11. She’s such a lazybones - she does nothing but stays at home all the time.
12. не вижу подходящих слов.
13. The first half of the film was interesting but the second half dragged.
14. Do you want some cream in your coffee?
15. The course comprises a class book, a practice book, and a CD.