ответ:i’d like to describe picture number 3
this picture shows a boy. you can also see he is busy. there is a white room and blue light lamp.
i guess he is a pupil. the picture was taken inside and a boy in the room. looking at this picture i can say that he is sitting at the table and writing or drawing something. the boy is wearing dark blue shirt. to my mind he is about 9 years old. he has dark hair. a boy looks happy.
i like this picture because it is full of positive emotions and it reminds me of my childhood.
that’s all i wanted to say
1. The two official languages in Canada are
b. English and French
2. Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных преломлениях:
A) Jack London was an American writer
B) Jack London will have an American writer
a. А-да, В-да
3. Had we the film when they invited us?
d. seen
4. Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных преломлениях:
A) Conan Doyle was one of the first who starts the fashion of detective stories
B) Conan Doyle was one of the first who started the fashion of detective stories
б. А-нет, В-да
5. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful
(выбрать несколько ответов)
a. to make out bodies strong
d. to keep ourselves fit and healthy
6. I prefer cup of tea
c. a
7. 21 may (or 21st May)
(можно выбрать несколько вариантов)
b. May the twenty-first
d. the twenty-first of May
8. you ever read Conan Doyle's novels?
b. have
9. He started work morning
a. next
10. He asked his group mates
(можно выбрать несколько вариантов)
a. to wait for him
c. not to wait for him
11. We knew
(можно выбрать несколько вариантов)
d. he read a lot.
12. I forgot
(можно выбрать несколько вариантов)
а. where I had put the book the day before
1. This bird IS little.
2. She HAS got a grandfather.
3. How IS he? He IS fine.
4. The brown cows ARE near the box.
5. Where IS he from? Нe IS from Great Britain.
6. I HAVE got five giraffes.
7. Those elephants ARE big.
8. His uncle IS a pilot.
9. HAS his brother GOT many toys?
10. They HAVE not got a cat.
1. This kitten IS little.
2. He HAS got a brother.
3. Where ARE they from? They ARE from Russia.
4. Those tigers ARE big.
5. Her uncle HAS got a son.
6. How IS his father? He IS fine.
7. My sister IS a worker.
8. HAVE you got two toy hares?
9. They ARE pilots.
10. IS his aunt from America?
1. That bird IS nice.
2. How IS she? She IS fine.
3. I HAVE got six crocodile.
4. He IS a worker.
5. He HAS got a grandmother.
6. Where ARE you from? I AM from Africa.
7. ARE your brothers drivers? Yes, they ARE.
8. She HAS not got an uncle.
9. Those funny monkeys ARE in the bag.
10. HAVE you got a grandmother? Yes, I HAVE.
1. Where ARE they from? They ARE from America.
2. She HAS got an aunt.
3. How IS his brother? He IS fine.
4. That kitten IS funny.
5. Their friends ARE teachers.
6. HAS he got a nephew? Yes, he HAS.
7. These big tigers ARE on the table.
8. I HAVE got seven hares.
9. ARE those little hares white?
10. Heruncle IS a driver.