1. 'Are you tired?'
Answer: No, I am not tired.
Explanation: The question asks about the current state of being tired. The person confirms that they are not tired at the moment.
2. John is happy today but he _______ yesterday.
Answer: John was not happy yesterday.
Explanation: The sentence describes a change in John's mood. It states that he is happy today, indicating that he was not happy yesterday.
3. The post office isn't open yet but the shops _______.
Answer: The shops are open.
Explanation: The sentence contrasts the opening times of the post office and the shops. It states that the post office is not open yet, implying that the shops are already open.
4. I haven't got a video camera but I know somebody who _______.
Answer: I know somebody who has a video camera.
Explanation: The sentence states that the person does not possess a video camera, but they have knowledge of someone who does.
5. I would like to help you but I'm afraid I _______.
Answer: I'm afraid I cannot help you.
Explanation: The sentence expresses a desire to help, but the person admits their inability to do so.
6. I don't usually go to work by car but I _______ yesterday.
Answer: I went to work by car yesterday.
Explanation: The sentence contrasts the person's usual method of commuting to work with their action on the previous day, indicating that they used a car to get to work yesterday.
7. A: Have you ever been to the United States?
B: No, but Sandra _______.
Answer: Sandra has been to the United States.
Explanation: Person A asks if person B has ever visited the United States. Person B answers in the negative, but mentions that Sandra has been there on holiday last year.
8. 'Do you and Ann watch TV a lot?' '1_______, but Ann doesn't.'
Answer: No, I do not watch TV a lot, but Ann doesn't either.
Explanation: The response is negative, stating that neither the person nor Ann watch TV frequently.
9. I've been invited to the party but Kate _______.
Answer: Kate hasn't been invited to the party.
Explanation: The speaker mentions receiving an invitation to the party but clarifies that Kate has not received one.
10. Do you think Diane will pass her exams?' "Yes, I'm sure she _______."
Answer: Yes, I'm sure she will pass.
Explanation: The person expresses their confidence that Diane will succeed in her exams.
11. Are you going out this evening?'
Answer: No, I am not going out this evening.
Explanation: The person states their plans for the evening, indicating that they are not going out.
Очень рад, что ты обратился ко мне со своим вопросом! В данном случае, чтобы правильно прочитать данный текст, нужно обратить внимание на следующие моменты:
1. Прочитай текст медленно и внимательно. Озвучивай каждое слово отдельно.
2. Во фразе "For me a friend is a person who cares", удели внимание ударению на слове "cares" (кому по-настоящему важно и заботится).
3. Во фразе "for me a friend is a person who shares", удели внимание ударению на слове "shares" (кто разделяет с тобой).
4. В фразе "a person who is honest and fair", обрати внимание на ударение на слове "honest" (кто честен) и на слове "fair" (кто справедлив).
5. В фразе "a friend is someone who is always there", на слове "always" уделяй внимание ударению (тот, кто всегда рядом).
6. Фраза "friendship is a feeling that lasts forever" прочти, обратив внимание на слово "forever" (что длится вечно).
7. "a true friend betrays you never" – ударение нужно сделать на словах "true" (настоящий) и "never" (никогда).
Давай прочитаем текст еще раз, но уже с учетом ударений на ключевых словах и фразах:
"For me a friend is a person who cares,
for me a friend is a person who shares,
a person who is honest and fair,
a friend is someone who is always there.
Friendship is a feeling that lasts forever,
and a true friend betrays you never."
Надеюсь, этот ответ помог тебе! Если у тебя остались какие-либо вопросы или тебе нужна помощь по другим темам, не стесняйся обратиться!
Answer: No, I am not tired.
Explanation: The question asks about the current state of being tired. The person confirms that they are not tired at the moment.
2. John is happy today but he _______ yesterday.
Answer: John was not happy yesterday.
Explanation: The sentence describes a change in John's mood. It states that he is happy today, indicating that he was not happy yesterday.
3. The post office isn't open yet but the shops _______.
Answer: The shops are open.
Explanation: The sentence contrasts the opening times of the post office and the shops. It states that the post office is not open yet, implying that the shops are already open.
4. I haven't got a video camera but I know somebody who _______.
Answer: I know somebody who has a video camera.
Explanation: The sentence states that the person does not possess a video camera, but they have knowledge of someone who does.
5. I would like to help you but I'm afraid I _______.
Answer: I'm afraid I cannot help you.
Explanation: The sentence expresses a desire to help, but the person admits their inability to do so.
6. I don't usually go to work by car but I _______ yesterday.
Answer: I went to work by car yesterday.
Explanation: The sentence contrasts the person's usual method of commuting to work with their action on the previous day, indicating that they used a car to get to work yesterday.
7. A: Have you ever been to the United States?
B: No, but Sandra _______.
Answer: Sandra has been to the United States.
Explanation: Person A asks if person B has ever visited the United States. Person B answers in the negative, but mentions that Sandra has been there on holiday last year.
8. 'Do you and Ann watch TV a lot?' '1_______, but Ann doesn't.'
Answer: No, I do not watch TV a lot, but Ann doesn't either.
Explanation: The response is negative, stating that neither the person nor Ann watch TV frequently.
9. I've been invited to the party but Kate _______.
Answer: Kate hasn't been invited to the party.
Explanation: The speaker mentions receiving an invitation to the party but clarifies that Kate has not received one.
10. Do you think Diane will pass her exams?' "Yes, I'm sure she _______."
Answer: Yes, I'm sure she will pass.
Explanation: The person expresses their confidence that Diane will succeed in her exams.
11. Are you going out this evening?'
Answer: No, I am not going out this evening.
Explanation: The person states their plans for the evening, indicating that they are not going out.