1. I was afraid that I would get lost in the forest. 2. She knew that we
had never seen her painting. 3. I knew that you had come to St. Peter-
burg, and I thought that you would visit me. 4. We learned yesterday that
she was ill. 5. I knew that she was studying French, and I thought that she would go to Paris. 6. We saw children playing in
the sand. 7. The teacher said that our friends sent a letter from
London. 8. She said that she would not bathe again, as
the water was cold. 9. He said that when he entered the room, his
friend was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. 10. I was afraid that you would not follow my advice. 11. I was sure that if we hurried,
we would not miss the train. 12. Everyone was sure that Boris would pass the exams well.
Choose the right word: «Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to linguistics, since linguistics deals with the problems which are of great importance to Methods: language and speech, grammar and vocabulary, the relationship between grammar and vocabulary, and many others».
72. Choose the right word: «Methods of foreign language teaching has a definite relation to physiology of their higher nervous system. Pavlov’s theory of “conditioned reflexes” is the example».
73. Choose the right word: «It would be impossible to develop language habits and speech skills without information about the ways of forming them, the influence of formerly acquired habits on the formation of new ones which is supplied by psychology».
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