Is he expected to come back? — Ожидается ли его возвращение?
Her name will come back soon. — Я скоро вспомню, как её зовут.
Why don't you come round to see us? — Почему бы тебе не зайти к нам?
I hope things will come round. — Надеюсь, всё образуется.
Did his speech come across? — Его речь была понятна?
The first candidate came across really well. — Первый кандидат произвёл очень хорошее впечатление.
Would you like to come out to the theatre with me? — Ты не хочешь сходить со мной в театр?
My tooth has just come out. — У меня только что выпал зуб.
Long, long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, an old Wicked Witch put a King's son under a spell.
She shut him in a great iron Chest.
Then, with the help of her magic she hid the prince, Chest, and all in the middle of a lonely forest.
Noone knew what became of the Prince.
The Prince's father sent his men far and wide, but they could not find him.
Year after year the Chest stood there in the great wild forest.
It so happened that a King's daughter had lost her way in that forest.
She had been walking for nine days and suddenly she saw some strange Chest standing in front of her.
She also heard the Chest speaking.
The Chest wanted to know where the girl had come from and where was she going.
She answered she had lost her way.
The voice from the chest said it would help the girl if she promised to come back and marry him.
She agreed.
She is drawing,
We are reading.