Hedgehog has a large collection of books, although he himself, apparently, does not consider her for the collection. Meanwhile, the books in the Hedgehog are strictly arranged in alphabetical order and on the shelves. Hedgehog loves to read, once because of a strict regime he tried to read under the covers. Hedgehog's favorite book is a photo album.
ПЕРЕВОДУ Ёжика есть большая коллекция книг, хотя сам он, видимо, её за коллекцию не считает. Между тем книги в Ёжика строго расположены в алфавитно порядке и по полочкам. Ёжик очень любит читать, один раз он из-за строгого режима попытался читать под одеялом. Любимая книга Ёжика - фотоальбом.
Found a squirrel and took her for walnut and in the lair. The wizard was looking for was looking for a stick but not found.
But the protein asked: "What he was looking for" the wizard said shortly and sad "Stick". Protein gave him the wand and the magician was glad !