2 sw) Read the text. Write sentences about the London Eye using these phrases. • tourist attraction city • huge wheel steel and glass • capsule • big windows • from top to bottom • Queen's homes ni raction in London
Привет The Lonbon Eye is a tourist attraction in London. Each capsule has got big windows. The London Eye is made of steel and glass, with 32 room-like capsules. You can see a Queen's home. From the top of the Eye, you can see all of the city of London.
Ты знаешь, я люблю Рождество. Я хочу рассказать тебе, как мы отметили этот праздник. Мы отправили много поздравительных открыток нашим друзьям. Ты получил нашу открытку? Мы нарядили прекрасное Рождественское дерево и купили много подарков. Моя мама сделала огромный торт. Она приготовила индейку. Мы пригласил наших друзей и получилась очень веселая вечеринка. Мы надели веселые костюмы. Они были прекрасны. Мы пели песни, танцевали и играли в игры. В 12 мы дарили подарки. Мне очень понравился праздник!
When we see a man or a woman we look at the faces and clothes. if we see a beautiful face we consider them beautiful too. but when our acquaintance is continuing we begin to notice another things. we can see good or bad character, good or bad deeds. and when a deeds are constantly bad, we do not see a pretty face now. for example, the pretty boy beats a dog or a cat. do you look at his face in that moment? i am sure he is ugly. and mother teresa was not pretty, but her heart was really beautiful like her soul. so we respect her much more than any of hollywood's cuties.
Привет The Lonbon Eye is a tourist attraction in London. Each capsule has got big windows. The London Eye is made of steel and glass, with 32 room-like capsules. You can see a Queen's home. From the top of the Eye, you can see all of the city of London.