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02.05.2021 23:08 •  Английский язык

Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap.
Many people have tried 1(to put down/putting down/giving up/to give up) smoking at some point in their lives, and these days many of us2(are attempting/attempt/had attempted/attempted) to stop taking3(the other/another/other/others) substance which is not cigarettes, but which 4 (canis able toshouldmight) be killing the same number of people 5 (than/that/so/as) tobacco, or even more. I am talking about sugar.
When I went to the doctor five years ago, he told me that sugar 6 (would/shall/was/will) kill me one day if I didn’t avoid 7 (to eating/eating/eat/to eat )it. My only chance of long-term survival, said the doctor, was 8 (cutting out/setting down/putting out/cutting down) all sugar from my diet. Before that day, I 9 (don't tried/have never tried/had never tried/was never trying) to quit anything; 10 (however/although/so/even though) , I didn’t think it would be too difficult. “I have achieved difficult things in my life, much more difficult than that,” I thought. It wasn't true.
I didn't know how difficult it was to stop smoking, or drinking alcohol, because I 11 (had never been/wasn't ever/was never) addicted to anything, but when I stopped eating sugar, I realised that sugar is a very powerful drug. I think it 12 (had been/would have been/must be) easier if I had been addicted to nicotine, for example, instead of sugar. The first few weeks or months I 13 (used to dream/was dreaming/used to dreaming) that I was eating chocolate or cakes, and then I woke up in the morning and my body was crying for sugar.
It's been 3 months now, and I 14 (have been eating/have eaten/ate) very, very little sugar in that time; only the added sugar that food manufacturers put in some of their processed products, like bread, tinned tomato, etc. I am very happy because I don't crave sweet things any more, and I feel 15 (much/very/many) healthier and energetic than a few months ago.

Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap.
I didn't see anybody behind me, but I knew that I 1 (was following/had being followed/was being followed). It was my instinct, I could feel it. I saw that a bus 2 (had just stopped/did just stop/just stopped) at the bus stop at the end of the street. I ran and 3 (had got on/was getting on/got on) it. I didn't ask the bus driver where 4 (it was going/was it going/did it go) because it didn't matter, I just wanted to 5 (get away/leave away/get out) as fast as possible.
I knew I was in danger. I had put 6 (myself/my/me) in a dangerous situation the day 7 (whichwhenthat) I had helped a woman in a bar. A man 8 (abused physically/was physically abusing/had physically abused) her when I hit him in the face. When he fell unconscious to the floor, I recognised the tattoos on his arms and neck. He was a member of one of the worst gangs in Los Angeles. The woman looked at me with panic in her eyes. "Go away, please, before his friends 9 (are arriving/will arrive/arrive)," she said. "If they see you, they 10 ('d kill/kill/'ll kill) you. "Do you think he'll remember my face?" I asked her. "I have 11 (none/no/any)doubt," she answered.
Now I was in a bus wondering why I had to punch that man in the face. If I hadn't done that stupid thing, nothing 12 (would happen/had happened/would have happened) to me. I got off the bus after a few blocks and I started walking. I 13 (had to/must/should) do something, but what? That dangerous man had seen my face. "Of course," I thought, "my face!". If that man had seen my face, I just needed a different face, a face that he could not recognise!
Three days later I had plastic surgery and I got a new face. That was a few months ago, and I 14 (have met/meet/have been meeting) the man I attacked a few times since then, and he has no idea who I am. And the best part is that I 15 (didn't use to/didn't usually/usedn't to) like my face, and now I love it!

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English, is an international language in the world. Most people are using this language on the daily life. It is an important language because we use this language to communication with other country's people. We also use English in many places. For example, it is used in the international business, computer language, movies, and so on. As a result, many people think learning English can get big benefits. Why we say learning English can get big benefits? Because you can become an international person, because you can communicate with any people in the world, and because you can improve the changes in the job. 
             English is a common language and you can use English to become an international person. First, you could get the news faster than the others could. Second, you should understand other countries for using English. Third, you would depend on English to read the latest books or magazines in the world. Therefore, it can let you gain more and more knowledge for studying English. 
             English is an international language. When you go traveling, you will speak English to ask the roads. When you play the computer, you will use English took to other people. In addition, you can know many friends in the world. So, learning English is a good way to communicate for foreign people. 
             English is a general language because we have to use this every day. For example, there are many new technologies, new computers, new machines, and so on. So we need someone who will read, speak, listen, and write English very well. Besides, many companies need good office employees to do international business. Consequently, if you read, write, listen, and speak very well, you will have good occupation for getting jobs. 
             In conclusion, we will know learning English can get three major benefits, which are becoming an international person, communicating with any people in the world, and improving the changes in the job. When we know the benefits of learning 
4,6(93 оценок)

1. The devil is not so black as he is painted.     a) is painted

2. The new building of our University will be shown to the visitors tomorrow.                       b) will be shown

3. I  have known him for a long time.    c) have known

4. He was driving a car when we saw him.   b) was driving

5. The students had passed their last exam before holidays began.   c) had passed

2. Изучите тему: простые неличные формы глагола- Participle I, Participle II.        Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения.

1. The third and the largest painting was the last work done by the artist.  b) done     Третья и самая большая картина была последней работой, выполненной художником.

2. It seems to be a very interesting story.  a) interesting                                                         Эта история кажется очень интересной.

3. The circus tent is always filled with excited  children.    b) excited                             Цирковая палатка всегда заполнена взволнованными ребятишками.

4. It was a letter written by someone in close touch with Celia.  a) written                           Это было письмо, написанное кем-то из близкого окружения Селии.

5. The servant took us into a large hall decorated with flowers and carpets.                        a) decorated                                                                                                                      Слуга ввёл нас в большой зал, украшенный цветами и коврами.

3.Изучите тему: модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения.

1. Мау I come in?  - Мне можно войти?     b) May
2. We could not get the medicine and returned home without it.    c) could                          Мы не могли достать лекарства и вернулись домой без него.                                 3. The boy will be allowed to drive my car if he passes his exam.   b) will be allowed to      Мальчику разрешат ездить на моей машине, если он сдаст экзамен.

4. My lips were stiff.   I could hardly speak.   a) could                                                        Мои губы были напряжены и я едва мог говорить.

5. Every member of a trade union must pay a small sum of money.  - a) must 

Каждый член профсоюза должен платить небольшую сумму денег.

4,5(65 оценок)
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