1. Nick wouldn't have broken his leg unless he had climbed ladder
2. Mr. Davidson could have avoided accident if he had driven carefully
3. John Smithson could have won the race if he had run faster
4. Chris wouldn't have cut his finger unless he had played with knife
5. Mary wouldn't have had a terrible headache if she had taken aspirin
6. Cat wouldn't have eaten fish unless Mrs. Claydon had left it on the table
unless- это эквивалент if not
все предложения 3го условия, т к относятся к которое уже нельзя изменить
There are some lamps on the table. – На столі декілька ламп.
There is one cat and one puppy in Jack’s house. – У будинку Джека є один кіт і один щеня.
There is a pen and six pencils on the table. – На столі ручка і шість олівців.
There is some milk - У пляшці трохи молока.
There are two books На полиці дві книги.
There are some cookies in the box. – У коробці є трохи печива.
There is a mouse in the kitchen! – На кухні миша!
There is a large supermarket in the street. – Там знаходиться великий супермаркет на вулиці.
There are many hotels in Kyiv. – Там знаходиться багато готелів в Києві. (досл..перекл.)
There are trees in the garden. – У саду є дерева.
1. What time does the gallery open?
2. Do you work on Saturdays?
3. How many paintings are there in the gallery?
4. Can you tell me if the gallery shop sells postcards?
5. Where is the cafe? (не уверен, правильный ли ответ, но больше ничего в голову не приходит)