с 2 упражнениями 1 )Complete the mindmap with the words in the box. Then add your own ideas. baggy ,checked ,high-heeled ,lacy ,leather ,long-sleeved ,loose ,matching ,nylon ,plain ,short ,smooth ,spotty, stripy ,tight, velvet ,weelly, cotton ,flowery ,fluffy ,full-length.
2 )Complete the adjectives for describing fashion. Use a, e, i, o or u. Then decide if they are positive (+) or negative (-). 1 .Cool 2. _wf _I 3.tr_ ndy 4.1_g_ nt 5.gr t 6.b _t_fI 7.ld-f_sh _n_d 8.sm _rt
2 How many percent of the Russian people continue to holiday somewhere in Russia?
3 What percentage of Russian travelers prefer seaside resorts abroad?
4 How many types of Russian travelers abroad?
5 What percentage of people continue to rest package tour
6 What percentage of independent tourists who travel on their own?
7 What percentage of business travelers go to rest abroad?
8 How many percent of people visiting friends and relatives abroad?
9 How many percent of people travel just over the border?
10 Where tourists abroad often go ?