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Last week I had an intresting day... It started in the morning. I was really sleeppy, but I could see very strange clouds. One was as a horse, others were also strange... I had breakfast, that for me was strange, too.
"Too much strange things today" thought I. Then I did my homework. Some tasks were difficult, but many of them were easy. In two hours I have done my homework so I went out with my friends.
We played so interesting games. I always was a winner! We played much time, but it was evening, so I had to go back home. At home was a very pretty animal! "I haven't seen such an animal before! I want to play with you!
"When are you going to get up" - said mom. She was really angry! "You are going to late to school!"
"It was a dream? It's a pity! It was so interesting"...
1. We were happy that difficult times were over. 2. James discovered that he had lost important documents. 3. The boy realized with horror that he had forgotten the whole poem. 4. We were absolutely sure that we did everything right. 5. Anna knew that her best friend had deceived her. 6. The policeman was convinced that this young man had robbed a bank. 7. David's father got very angry when he found out that he spent all the money on computer games. 8. Kevin was very sorry that he did not invite Maria to his concert. 9. Val realized with horror what a grave mistake he had made. 10. The boy was absolutely sure that he wrote the grammar test well.