"my favorite film is "Red Notice". This film says that there are 3 golden eggs in the world. 2 have already been found and they are kept in museums. They can't outwit the police. Then you have to watch. Somewhere I was in shock, somewhere I laughed. I really liked the movie!"
«Мой любимый фильм -« Красное уведомление ». В этом фильме говорится, что в мире есть 3 золотых яйца. 2 уже найдены и хранятся в музеях. Полицию им не перехитрить. Тогда тебе придется смотреть. Где-нибудь Я был в шоке, где-то смеялся. Фильм очень понравился! "
если что делал по переводчику! пока и удачи
Hi, Rosie! How are you?
I'm on the Isle of Wight with my class for the weekend. We're learning to sail with an instructor called Danny.
Yesterday morning I was sailing in a small boat with my friend Jodie, when suddenly she stood up. I fell into the sea and it was very cold!
As soon as Danny saw me, he came to rescue me. I was lucky because he was very near the boat when the accident happened. But while he was helping me, I dropped my camera into the water and I lost all my photos!
Then I ran up the beach to our hotel and I put on some dry clothes. I felt much better after that, but I was upset about the camera.
See you soon, Isabel