1. writes 2). Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав е выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние. Once he slept early and then he drearned that he was A deep in the river. He was swimming here and there 2. and playing happily. He made B with some small but 3. harmless fish. He even found a place to take rest at nights. He 4. was very happy. He could see the colors of C lights 5. that were flickering. The lights were coming out from some fish 6. that were very beautiful and colorful. 7. thought after friends those different Swimming became After seeing him, the colorful fish went to him and they asked his name. He said his name was Jumbo and from the very next day he D friends with them. Now they would daily play hide-and-seek together. But in the meanwhile Jumbo could not realise the mischievious plan of E fish.
At first, the athletes took pari only in race (the sprint). Later, they threw the discus and javelin, then broad jumping and wrestling were added. The OlympicGames were held for more that 1.000 ye ars. The Byzantine Emperor Theodosius abolished them in 394 A.D.
The Games were revived in1896 to support understanding and friendship among nations.The first modern games were heid in Athens, Greece. Youngmen and women come fromall over the world to compete in various sports and represent thair country .
The live in an Olympic Village at the site of the games.
The Olympic games are organized and govemed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Jt sets the program of the games, chooses the city where the games are to de heid, and determines the standards of games. Each country has a National Olympic Committee.
The opening ceremony of each Olympic games is held in a maior stadium. The president of the host country usually opens the games. Athletes from Greece march the first and ath lete from other countries mareh after them around the stadium in the parade ol Nations, Thcn, looking at the Olympic Flad, the athletes take the Olympic Oath:
Weswear that we will take parti in these Olympic games in the true spirit of sportsmansnip ana that we will respect the rules that govarn them, for the glory of sport and the honor of our contry.
The Olympic Flama is lit with a toreh that is brought try a retay of athletes from the rulns of arelent Olympia in Greece.When the Games are finished, the is cowered and the lamc extingulsned.