1. He stood beside a bush of pale roses watching the last bees crawling into the hive. He did not seem to have paid attention to Ann’s cry.
2. You look rather tired. You are unlikely to finish the work in time. You had better go home now. It is not worth working for another several hours.
3. Remember to phone them tomorrow. They are said to have returned from their voyage. I’d rather meet them in a couple of days.
4. He made her promise several times that she would never breathe a word about it, and finally, with many pauses and many groans, he let her know the whole story.
5. She had been sitting there so long that she rose quite stiff and so hungry that she could not help going into the kitchen.
1) William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in April 1564.
2) The theatre was 30 metres in diameter and had 20 sides, giving it its perceived circular shape.
3) A seat in the gallery on the first or second floor cost two or three pennies, and for a penny more you could have a cushion. Even poor people could afford to go to the theatre – a standing ticket in front of the stage cost just one penny.
4) In 1614 the Globe Theatre was rebuilt (referred to as Globe 2). In 1642, under the force of the Puritans, the English Parliament issued an ordinance suppressing all stage plays in Theatres and in 1644 the Globe Theatre was demolished by the Puritans.
5) The New Globe Theatre was inaugurated in London in 1997, nearly 350 years after the original Globe Theatre of William Shakespeare was destroyed by the Puritans.
1) I'm not a student. 2) I don't get up at 7 every morning. 3) I haven't got much free time. 4) My college isn't far from my house 5) I don't go there on foot 6) I don't learn English 7) I don't have my English books 8) My friend doesn't live near the college 9) We don't go to college together 10) She doesn't like to read books