1. It has been raining since yesterday
Дождь идёт со вчерашнего дня.
2. I have been using this laptop for three years.
Я использую этот ноутбук в течении трёх лет.
3. The girl has been learning her lesson since morning.
Девочка учит уроки с самого утра.
4. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I have been running.'
— Ты выглядишь уставшим.
— Да, я бегал.
5. Who has been sleeping in my bed?
Кто спал в моей кровати?
Present Perfect Continuous употребляется когда действие НАЧАЛОСЬ В и ПРОДОЛЖАЕТСЯ ДО СИХ ПОР, как в предложениях 1, 2, 3
"Дождь идёт со вчерашнего дня"
Дождь начался вчера, и до сих пор идёт.
Либо если действие и НАЧАЛОСЬ, и ЗАКОНЧИЛОСЬ в но результаты видно до сих пор, как в предложениях 4, 5.
"Ты выглядишь уставшим" - результат
"Я бегал" - действие.
Образуется очень просто, после существительного идёт has/have + been + глагол с окончанием ing.
b) We study past events, especially events of a particular period or country in Geography. - It's false. We study past events, especially events of a particular period or country in History.
c) We do exercise and learn to play sport in PE. - It's correct.
d) We study the language people from the US, the UK, and in many other countries speak in Music. - It's false. We study the language people from the US, the UK, and in many other countries speak in English.
e) We study living organisms, their structure, functioning, evolution in Biology. - It's correct.
f) We see maps, learn about other countries, cities, population in Geography. - It's correct.
g) We study forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity in Literature. - It's false. We study forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity in Physics.
h) We do experiments in IT. - It's false. We do experiments in Chemistry