8 Fill in the gaps with the suitable articles. 0. English is the language of diplomacy, sports and music.
1. Dieter is from xxx Germany, so he speaks xxx German fluently.
2. Hiroko lives in xxx Baku. She can speak xxx Azerbaijani, but he
native language is xxx Japanese.
3. Gabriella and Isabella are from xxx Spain. They are xxx Spanish.
They can speak both xxx Spanish and xxx English very well.
4. Jane is from xxx France. As she has lived in China, apart from xxx
French, she also speaks xxx Chinese language.
5. Muhammad is from Morocco. He knows some foreign languages.
He speaks xxx Arabic, xxx English and xxx French.
6. xxx Japanese have a long and interesting history. Their official
language is xxx Japanese.
Общий вопрос: Do they provide you with shelter?
Альтернативный вопрос: Do they provide you with shelter or safe-house?
Специальный вопрос: What kind of shelter they provide you with?
Разделительный вопрос: They provide you with shelter, don't they?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who provide you with shelter?
2) He will use these tools tomorrow.
Общий вопрос: Will he use these tools tomorrow?
Альтернативный вопрос: Will he use these tools or this hammer tomorrow?
Специальный вопрос: Which tools will he use tomorrow?
Разделительный вопрос: He will use these tools tomorrow, won't he?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who will use these tools tomorrow?