Переведите отрывок из любого произведения Чехова на английский язык. В ответе должен быть текст произведения на русском и английском. Без переводчика желательно.
С кем я имею честь говорить? — обратился он к не гостю.
Чёрт сконфузился и потупил глазки.
— Вы не стесняйтесь, — продолжал Лахматов. — Подойдите ближе... Я человек без предрассудков, и вы можете говорить со мной искренно... по душе... Кто вы?
Чёрт нерешительно подошел к Лахматову и, подогнув под себя хвост, вежливо поклонился.
Who do I have the honor to speak to? — he turned to the uninvited guest.
The devil was confused and lowered his eyes.
"Don't be shy," Lakhmatov continued. - Come closer... I am a man without prejudice, and you can talk to me sincerely... to my liking... Who are you?
The devil hesitantly approached Lakhmatov and, bending his tail under him, politely bowed.
As for me, I really like to walk with my friends around the city. Every time we open new beautiful places, squares and parks. This is very exciting and interesting. I also like to go shopping and choose new things, I like to follow fashion and look good. I also like to sit on the Internet. But there are things that I do not like. For example, I do not like to correspond with friends in a chat room, because I think it's much more interesting to communicate with friends live. I also do not like to play computer games, I think it's a waste of time.
As for me, I really like to walk with my friends around the city. Every time we open new beautiful places, squares and parks. This is very exciting and interesting. I also like to go shopping and choose new things, I like to follow fashion and look good. I also like to sit on the Internet. But there are things that I do not like. For example, I do not like to correspond with friends in a chat room, because I think it's much more interesting to communicate with friends live. I also do not like to play computer games, I think it's a waste of time.
С кем я имею честь говорить? — обратился он к не гостю.
Чёрт сконфузился и потупил глазки.
— Вы не стесняйтесь, — продолжал Лахматов. — Подойдите ближе... Я человек без предрассудков, и вы можете говорить со мной искренно... по душе... Кто вы?
Чёрт нерешительно подошел к Лахматову и, подогнув под себя хвост, вежливо поклонился.
Who do I have the honor to speak to? — he turned to the uninvited guest.
The devil was confused and lowered his eyes.
"Don't be shy," Lakhmatov continued. - Come closer... I am a man without prejudice, and you can talk to me sincerely... to my liking... Who are you?
The devil hesitantly approached Lakhmatov and, bending his tail under him, politely bowed.