1. it is impossible to prevent, everything depends on the natural conditions.2. in the shadow of a person, and sprinkle water, give a drink, and call an ambulance. there is a grass protecting from a shock.3. the first thing to do is to temporarily shelter the victims. organize the collection of funds and basic necessities. there are many examples when officials steal money allocated to victims or engaged in postsignals, put on the lists of injured people who have not suffered.therefore, the method is the best way to help create a separate independent fund that will collect funds and distribute aid, regardless of power structures.4. natural disaster for the people, and not for the authorities, this is an irreversible process and all attempts of power are meaningless. previously, it was necessary to think.5. извини не знаю6.тоже не могу ответить.7.tsunami
Greece is a land of myths. It is located in Europe, around the Mediterranean Sea. The official language of Greece-Greek. This magnificent country surrounding seas 5! Greece has a great story! Firstly, it is the native land of olives and olive oil, the best in the world! Secondly, Greece, the birthplace of the sport, the Olympic flame and the Olympic Games. Highest raspostraninnaya country and in Greece Olympus. That her and settled gods. Well, about the myths of ancient Greece, is another story ...
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