Observe how they are used (syntactic position, singly or in a phrase, which article the modified noun takes, kind of verb used in the participial form). Point out any regularities you can find. She found a narrow slip of paper inserted among the pages.
He thought about it in the same way as all other right-thinking folk.
There is nothing surprising about that.
I know you detest all games involving physical effort.
Uncle Jack, now confined to his wheelchair, had telephoned Jason.
She told me the history of a collapsing civilization.
In the middle of the night she woke with a thumping heart.
They went up the uncarpeted stairs.
It is identical in style with the letter shown me by Uncle Jack.
Porson, tightly buttoned into a dark blue suit, pushed the papers across the desk at his partner.
Her manner was of a cat given an unexpected saucer of cream.
She was confronted by a pixie-like figure wearing a red and green striped jersey.
A fleeting smile crossed the wizened face.
Eldred was tall, with dark eyes, and an air of command conspicuously lacking in her husband.
They returned together, appearing through a gap in the hedge dividing the pool from the house.
I must have been poor company, sitting in the railway com-partment with head back and eyes closed.
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Many people have a cottage, a place where you can relax, be alone with nature and be alone or in company. I do not isklyuchenie.U my family big, beautiful cottage. (Описание) ...We love to relax on it, broil kebabs, fun vremya.Ya really love such dni.Mne like our cottage!