wash, walk, play, work
1 I used to work in a shop, but now I work in an office.
2 I can't concentrate. I'm not used to work in
such a noisy office.
3 Tom lived in the country for years. He used to
walk miles every day.
4 I'm exhausted. I'm not used to
walk such long distances.
5 Mary used to wash her clothes by hand, but
now she uses a washing machine.
6 We haven't got a washing machine, so we're used
to wash our clothes by hand.
7 The children are bored with the bad weather.
They're used to play outside.
8 When we were younger, we used to play
cowboys and Indians.
ответ:1 What's the capital of the Great Britain? London is the capital of Great Britain? 2 What's the official language of the Great Britain? English is. 3 What's the currency in the UK? Pound Sterling is. 4 What's the word for красивый in English? Beautiful is the word for красивый. 5 How many countries has Great Britain got borders with? Great Britain has border with the Republic of Ireland and also has maritime (морские) borders with (10 countries) France, Germany, Spain, Iceland, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
twelve - твелв 12
thriteen - фритин 13
fourteen - фотин 14
fifteen - фифтин 15
sixteen - сикстин 16
seventeen - севентин 17
eighteen - эйттин 18
nineteen - найнтин 19
twenty - твенти 20