live in style - жить красиво/на широкую ногу
living close to nature - жизнь ближе к природе
life is quiet and peaceful. too - жизнь тихая и спокойная. Слишком
it's so relaxed and free - так расслабленно и свободно
but everyone is different - но все разные
we all have different ways - мы все по-разному.../по-своему
different thougts of what to do - разные мысли о том, что делать
and where to spend our days - и где проводить дни/время
so find the place that makes you smile - так что найдите место, которое заставит вас улыбаться/порадует вас
the place that gives you what you want - место, которое дает вам то, что вы хотите
where you can live in style - где вы можете жить красиво
living in the city - жизнь в городе
is exciting and its fun - интересно и весело
there's always lots to do and see - всегда есть чем заняться и что посмотреть
something for everyone - что-то для каждого человека
Disappearing animals, by definition of the Red List are those types which are under the threat of the disappearance which rescue is impossible without implementation of special measures. What, in brief, these measures? The most strict and absolute prohibition of production, maximum preservation of habitat, creation of wildlife areas, reserves and others state резерватов. Creation of special nurseries for the contents for the purpose of studying of their biology in the conditions of bondage or semi-free existence without damage to health and with a problem of acclimatization or reacclimatization, and the main thing, reproduction for increase in number. Strict isolation of animals from various factors of concern is thus necessary from people and technical means operated by them.