В этом задании нужно использовать третью форму глагола (Ved; отмечено жирным) в форме Present Perfect (т.е. по формуле: has/have + Ved) и употребить её так, чтобы логически подытожить данные ранее высказывания (чит. силлогизмы). Как известно, есть правильные и неправильные глаголы — поэтому где-то мы используем т.н. супплетивизм корней, то есть когда корень разнится в зависимости от формы (go - went - gone), или же суффиксацию, т.е. добавляем к основе суффикс -ed (improve - improved - improved). Поэтому выходит так:
Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. — He has lost his key. (Он потерял ключ.)Margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster. — She has broken her leg. (Она сломала ногу.)Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it's 90. — The bus fare has gone up. (Плату за проезд на автобусе подняли.)Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. — Her English has improved. (Её английский улучшился.)Dan didn't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. — He has grown a beard. (Он отрастил бороду.)This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. — The letter has arrived. (Письмо пришло.)The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. — The temperature has fallen. (Температура упала.)7.3В этом задании нужно сделать практически то же самое: использовать третью форму глагола в форме Present Perfect, но употребить её не в предложении-следствии, а в ответе. Кроме того, здесь используются краткие формы глаголов, то есть 's и 've (вместо has и have) — разница с полной формой, как известно, в том, что краткая форма — атрибут разговорной речи.
No, thank you. I've just had lunch.I'm afraid, he's gone out.Wait a minute! I've not finished yet.No, I've done it myself / already.Have you found a place to live / anything?I've not decided yet.No, she's come back.
The Internet in my life
Internet is a great invention. It has changed the lives of nearly all people on our planet. Many things have become easier and can be done from the comfort of your own home. For example, people nowadays can order a takeaway food, they can buy clothes online, and they can even work online.
Internet is a global world network, which has united people from different countries and of different backgrounds. Thanks to this network, we can chat with friends, meet new people and connect to our distant relatives via video calls.
Shopping has become much easier. If you don’t have time to go to the store, you can order all the necessary products at the online store and they are delivered within a day. Same can be done with medical pills, railway tickets, shoes, dresses and any other items. In my opinion, it is very convenient.
However, it seems that with the appearance of Internet people have become lazier. They rarely walk or do physical exercises. They don’t need to bother much if everything can be done with one click of a button. My family is a fan of active life, so we try to order online only urgent items. If we want to shop for food or clothes, we go to the nearest supermarket or mall.
The question is why we need Internet. I mostly use it to chat with my friends, especially those who live in other towns. I also like communicating through social networks and reading books online. Other than that I find lots of educational information via Internet. Obviously, it is one of the most useful tools in the life of modern people.
In my opinion, Internet is of great help in everyday life. We just need to learn how to separate useful information from useless. Moreover, we shouldn’t neglect live communication and sports.