после Form напиши цифру класса и букву класса.Например: 4 Б
1.We met our parents at the airport on Friday
2.What did you at 5 p.m.?I slept
3.Bernard and Jessica went to Australia last year
4.I went to the theater whe I met my college Boris
5.Many years ago my father had a great collection of coins
6.During our vacation we lived in Brazil
7.I came because my friend was in trouble
8.Last Sunday you played chess with my uncle Tommy
9.Yesterday at this time we walked on the beach.No,we didn't walk on the beach.At this time yesterday we had a dinner at the Greek tavern
10.Why didn't say you that you was ill?
это глаголы в past simple
My school is the best. My school is a four-storeyed building. Pupils of primary school study on the ground floor. There is a big gym in our school. Our physical training lessons and different sport competitions are held there. We celebrate holidays in assembly hall.All classrooms of our school are light and spacious. There are physics and chemistry labs where we can make experiments. There are new computers in the computer sciences room. Our pupils often win the city academic competitions.Teachers who work in our school are very good. Each of them teaches well and their lessons are quite interesting. Our form-mistress’ name is Irina. She is a teacher of Russian and literature. Thank to her our class is united and exemplary. I and all my classmates often go to the cinema, theatre, museums and exhibitions.
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