Were is a Malahide Castle? Are there any ghosts?
Где находится замок Малахайд?
Malahide Castle - located near the village of Malahide, 14 kilometers north of Dublin in Ireland (перевод: Замок Мэлахайд — расположен недалеко от деревни Малахайд, в 14 километрах к северу от Дублина в Ирландии)
Are there any ghosts?
Есть ли привидения?
Ghosts of Malahide Castle. Malahide Castle, located in Ireland, has existed for about 800 years. (перевод: Призраки замка Малахайд. Замок Малахайд, расположенный в Ирландии, существует около 800 лет)
When was Conwy Castle built?
Когда был построен замок Конви?
The castle was built in 1283-1289 by order of Edward I of England. (перевод: Замок был построен в 1283—1289 годах по приказанию Эдуарда I Английского)
How many ravens live in the castle?
Сколько воронов живет в замке?
Charles II issued a decree according to which six black ravens must be kept in the castle at all times.
Чарльз II издал указ, по которому в замке постоянно должны находиться шесть черных воронов.
После окончания учения продолжил военное образование в Александровском юнкерском училище (1888 — 90). Впоследствии опишет свою "военную юность" в повестях "На переломе (Кадеты)" и в романе "Юнкера". Уже тогда мечтал стать "поэтом или романистом".
Kuprin Alexander (1870 - 1938) - Russian pisatel.Rodilsya August 26 ( September 7 NS) in the city of Penza province Narovchat the family of a civil servant , who died a year after the birth of her son . Mother ( of the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakovyh ) after the death of her husband she moved to Moscow , where he spent his childhood and youth of the future writer. Six years old boy was sent to Moscow Razumovsky board ( orphan ), which came out in 1880 . The same year, he entered the Moscow Military Academy converted to military school .
After the end of the teachings of continued military training in the Alexander cadet school (1888 - 90). Subsequently, describe their " military youth " in the story " At the turn ( Cadets )" and the novel " The cadets ." Even then, wanted to be " a poet or a novelist ."