this morning my family and I went to the train station. after our arrival we stayed there for about one hour. after our train arrived at exactly 12:00. our journey will be long, but I'm sure that it will be worth it. on the train we passed amazing plains, they were extraordinarily beautiful. after 7 hours by train, we finally arrived at our destination, to the black sea. Immediately after arrival we checked into the hotel and went to take tickets on the ship. when we boarded the ship we sailed from the coast and my family and I saw a beautiful landscape.This wonderful trip we will never forget
вроде написала,Но я бы пересмотрела на твоём месте правильно ли я написала.Вроед все слова использовала.
2 exhibition (выставка)
3 arbour (беседка)
4 shore (берег)
5 to symbolize (символизировать)
6 unity (единство)
7 religion (религия, вероисповедание)