1 Джон Напьер разработал костюмы для Кошек.
2 Они обслуживали ужин с 7:00 вечера и дальше.
3 Они перевели книгу на 25 языков.
4 Компания опубликует новую книгу о Гарри Поттере в следующем месяце.
5 Вы не можете использовать камеры в музее.
6 Мэр откроет новую галерею во вторник.
Решение #
1 The costumes for Cats were designed by John Napier.
2 Dinner is served from 7:00 pm onwards.
3 The book has been translated into 25 languages.
4 The new Harry Potter book will be published by the company next month.
5 Cameras are not allowed to be used in the museum.
6 The new gallery will be opened by the Mayor on Tuesday.
1. the book
2. the book arrived at Helen's birthday
3. a watch
4. in a night club
5. all of Helen's friends from the University came to party
6. yes, they did
7. yes, they did
8. Father of Helen's friend
9. Probably she will be in London
10. She is going to go shopping
and she's going to the cinema to see the new Tom Cruise film