Last weekend i went for a walk with my friend Kate. We walked around the city and then we went to the cinema. After , we went to the café and eat pizza. I had a great time
1.Yesterday Andrew and his friends went to the cinema. Итак, мы нашли сказуемое, определили его время - прост тк глагол (went) стоит во второй форме, (в первой - go), значит нужен вс глагол простого - did, который поставим перед подлежащим (yesterday придется переставить в конец предложения): "Did Andrew and his friends went to the cinema yesterday?" но теперь в предложении целых ДВА глагола в времени - поэтому исправляем went на go: Did Andrew and his friends GO to the cinema yesterday? - вот теперь всё как надо! 2 предложение: We will go to have a picnic next weekend. здесь сказуемое will go, значит время - будущее тк есть вс глагол будущегоо простого - will, который опять поставим перед подлежащим: Will we go to have a picnic next weekend? 3 предложение: she usually stays with her friends during her visit to London. здесь сказуемое stays, значит время - настоящее тк у сказуемого есть окончание S, значит нужен вс глагол настоящего простого - do, к которому надо перецепить это самое окончание: DOES, и теперь эту конструкцию опять поставим перед подлежащим: Does she usually stay with her friends during her visit to London?
Вот: Hassles associated with the school are diverse and do not always have a unique solution . The most alarming in terms of child safety are issues that are connected with other students and with teachers. And there are times when your child is out of ignorance or intentionally self provokes conflict situations , especially acute in adolescence. And no matter how parents want to close our eyes to the fact that their son or daughter may also be to blame, but it is worth coolly and objectively assess the situation . So the question - problems at school , what to do? Should always try to respond promptly and openly.Honest dialogue within the family will never be over , and if the conflict involves a third party , the first way to resolve them - an open conversation . Usually costs involved in solving the problems of the class teacher so that he could give their recommendations and their vision problems , and even more so if he himself is party to the conflict. Well, in the case of major misunderstandings have to do more radical actions.
Last weekend i went for a walk with my friend Kate. We walked around the city and then we went to the cinema. After , we went to the café and eat pizza. I had a great time