1)Has your sister got an encyclopedia? No,she has not She has got a dictionary 2)Have they got a niece? No,they have not They have got a new hew 3)Have you got a chocolate cake? No,we have not We have got an apple pie 4)Has Steve got a headache? No,he has not He has got a toothache 5) Have you got an aunt No, I have not I have got an uncle 6)Has your grandfather got a beard? No,he has not He has got a moustache Незнаю,кажется правильно
1. You look wonderful! -Yes, I had a good rest. 2. I think I have caught a cold. 3. The house is so quiet. Everybody left. 4. Where is yesterday's newspaper? - I threw it away. 5. I can not get home. I lost the key. 6. Help me. I cut my finger. 7. Margaret's leg in a cast. She broke it. 8. Now the ticket costs 3 rubles. Payment increased. 9. I have not seen my school friend since I left school. 10. I have not been in my hometown for three years 11. I've seen very few interesting films in the last five years. 12. I've been here since morning. 13. How many years have you been friends with him? 14. I have not been to the theater since the fall. 15. We have not met with him for ages. 16. I read many books since I started to learn English. 17. This actor has not played in performances since last winter. 18. I have not received any letters from my cousin for a long time. 19. He has not written anything new since. 20. I have not been there since
В2005 году были проданы 3 картины на аукционе в лондоне. художником было шемпанзе. конго нарисовал эти картины больше 50 лет назад когда ему был 1 год. всего он сделал приблизительно 400 картин перед тем, как он умер в 1964. конго был популярным гостем програмее "время зверей" британскую программу вел десмонт морис. в 1957 году морис держал выставу картин шемпанзе, которая включала некоторые картины конго.он хотел попытаться понять способность шимпанзе быть творческим, а также наше собственное человеческое стремление к креативности.конго не произвел впечатление на всех, но, видимо, известные художники пабло пикассо и хуана миро были поклонники его - как владел одной из его картины.
Has your sister an encyclopedia?
No she hasn.t She has got a dictionary
Have they a niece?
No they haven.t They have got
a nephew
Have you got a chocolate cake?
No we haven.t We have got an apple pie.
Has Steve got a headache?
No he hasn.t . He's got a toothache.
Have you got an uncle?
No i haven.t . I have got an aunt.
Has your grandfather got a beard?
No he hasn.t He's got a moustache.