julius caesar came to britain in 54 bc. a hundred years later the romans came again, and this time they stayed for four hundred yearswhen the romans came to britain, they found it a land of forest and swamp.
the romans were fond of warm water baths, and the city of bath owes its origin to the possession of naturally warmed spring.
the romans didn’t need carpets — they had central heat ing under the floors of their houses. so they decorated their floors with mosaics. the mosaic of a dancing girl was found in a roman villa in susses. it is over 1,700 years old.
the norman invaders brought with them norman archi tecture (you can still see a number of norman churches and castles), and the norman-frenchlanguage, which over the years mixed withanglo-saxonto form the modem english language
Today our gymnasium consists of two buildings: the old and modern ones. The old building is considered to be architecture monuments of the 19th century. On the ground floor there are two workshop for boys, a home enconomics room for girls and three classes which need repairingOne the ground floor there are two cloak-rooms, a canteen, where pupils have meals: breakfast and lunch. Chemistry and Biology laboratories equipped with different flasks, test tubes, stuffed animals are also on the ground floor..The first floor is occupied by classes studying various subjects: Physics, English, Music and History.If you go father up to the second floor you will see classrooms where senior pupils study Maths, Literature Russian and Belorussian languages. Besides we also have two Information Technology room.AThey teach us to solve different problems, write compositions, acquaint us with certain specific theories and ideas. They share their knowledge and experience with us. We appreciate it and respond with love.s you see our gymnasium is well-equipped with necessary devices, literature and tools.
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