Я полагаю, вопросы нужно самому придумать? Если да... Dear Jim, Thank you for your letter! I’m glad to hear from you again. It was interesting to hear about the celebration of the New Year in your country. I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time. I’ve been busy with my new project. In any case, I am ready to answer your questions. Yes, my family is really big. I have two brothers and a sister. And I also have a pet cat! Every year we gather at the same table to celebrate the New Year. On the table we usually have baked chicken, pasta and lots of salads. Anyway, I must go and get on with my homework. Waiting for new photos from you! See you soon. Love, [имя]
1. His uncle doesn't have a garden.
Does his uncle have a garden?
2. We don't have coffee in the afternoon.
Do we have coffee in the afternoon?
3. This student doesn't have English lessons twice a week.
Does this student have English lessons twice a week?
4. I don't usually have dinner at home.
Do I usually have dinner at home?
5. My relatives don't have a good summer-house in the country.
Do my relatives have a good summer-house in the country?
6. Englishmen don't have tea at 6 o'clock.
Do Englishmen have tea at 6 o'clock?
7. My brother doesn't have a walk before going to bed.
Does my brother have a walk before going to bed?