Alexander Pushkin is the greatest poet who has created a huge number of immortal works and rightfully occupies a worthy place in world literature. His work covers an audience of all ages, because the great master wrote for both children and adults.
One of my favorite tales is The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Mom read it to me before going to bed and I found myself in a magical, bewitching world. I could listen to this fairy tale every evening, it didn’t bother me at all. Now I’m older, the poet’s lyrics have become closer to me. Such verses as “Recognition”, “Desire”, “Anchar” cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Pushkin wrote equally well about love, and about nature, and about war, and about freedom. His images are full and voluminous, they all carry a certain message. The poet teaches us honesty, generosity, loyalty to his principles. He praises the best spiritual qualities in his works, urging not to lose them, whatever the circumstances.
A good example of this is the Captain's Daughter. The main character of the work, Pyotr Grinev, although he grew up in an aristocratic family, was not spoiled. He had a kind and honest soul, and he also turned out to be faithful to duty and very brave. Such heroes always delight the reader, they want to take an example from them.
Simply and beautifully, Pushkin conveys his thoughts and feelings to the reader. His language is very harmonious and understandable to everyone. The poet is not an outside observer of what is happening, he always sincerely empathizes with his heroes and makes us empathize.
The works of Alexander Sergeyevich at all times were included in the school curriculum and not in vain. They teach us a lot, make us love and be proud of our native language, they are so beautifully built. This poet is unique and, I think, will forever remain such, he "erected a miraculous monument to himself ...".
Это было ужасно, из носа текло, мое тело лихорадило. Я чувствовал жар, я потел и пил каждые полчаса. Я страдал от головной боли. Моя жена вызвала мне врача, когда он пришел, он сказал: ничего серьезного - это простуда. Он измерил температуру, послушал мои легкие и дыхание и дал мне упаковку таблеток. Моя жена купила в аптеке какие то травы, которые я пил каждый день. Через 5 дней я мне стало лучше. Сейчас я выздоровел.