Напиши, что есть на твоей улице. используй обороты There is (are) чтобы рассказать что есть на улице и предлоги места in behind next to и так далее, чтобы уточнить где именно находятся здания. Пиши тут. от 8 до 10 предложений
1) The teacher, who never spoke quietly to children but shouted, began to walk slowly along the rows of desks. 2) When the child was asked what his name was, he whispered something which I couldn't hear. 3) The pain in the leg was so strong that the patient groaned. 4) In my childhood my parents never shouted at me, never spoke at the top of their voices but they didn't whisper either. 5) My friend and me like to chat online. 6) When we don't understand any rule, our teacher explains it to us. 7) But maybe some of you can say anything to the professor. Nobody spoke. 8) Why are you crying? 9) Don't tell me what she said about our project. 10) Never shout at little children.
1) A lof of Gorot's atmospheric landscapes are painted in cold colours. Многие атмосферные пейзажи Горота (скорее всего, фамилия художника) покрашены в холодные цвета. 2) Mikhail Vrubel depicts skillfully (я уверен, что вы написали с ошибкой, и нужно именно это слово) the colours in his Seated Demon and the picture is full of contrasts: a cold lilac is in combat with a warm golden-orange. Михаил Врубель умело изображает цвета в его Сидячем Демоне, и картина полна контрастов: холодная сирень (сирень = цвет сирени) борется с тёплым золотисто-оранжевым.
1. There are cars on the road.
2. There are birds on the tree.
3. There are people on a bus stop.
4. There are no any free parking lot.
5. There are droves of tourists.
6. There is too much noise.
7. There is a shop on a corner.
8. There is a homeless lying in the puddle.
9. There is a public park.
10. There is a cop with coffee and donut.