Опишите время за последние два года, когда вам приходилось отстаивать свое мнение. Что ты сделал? Почему? Describe a time in the last two years when you had to defend your opinion. What did you do? Why?
It was difficult time. I was anxious about my relationships with others. I was in political discuss club. There were many conflicts, no discussions. People were ready to battle for their opinion. And I was in that number. I was defend conservative politics, I like it. I was in discussion with liberals and communists, but I persistively defend my position. Though, I lost last friendly relationships. I was in politics, I loved it! I like politics and the other processes linked with it. I prefer conservatism, because it is ideology that defend national traditions, traditional family and, I think, it is main. I prefer left-conservative ideology. It is combination social ideas with ideas of defend of traditions of national country.
The king and the queen had no children for a long time. And then one day, when the hope was completely lost, the queen gave birth to a daughter. On this occasion, they arranged a celebration, among the guests were seven good sorceresses.
They were seated in honorable places, gave them the best plates and a box containing a fork, a knife and a spoon made of pure gold. When all the guests were already at the table, the eighth sorceress came. She was not invited to the celebration, as they thought that she was no longer in this world. For her, the best plates were immediately brought, but she did not have the golden box.
Naturally, this very much offended the old sorceress. She murmured something unpleasant out loud. One sorceress heard this and hid in the children's room. She decided to tell her last wish. The moment came when the fairies were supposed to give the newborn presents.
The fairies presented it with various gifts: beauty, intelligence, kind heart, good voice, the ability to dance and play on different instruments. However, the old witch wished the princess died when she pricked with a spindle. Everyone shuddered, but the last fairy promised that the princess would not die. She will make sure that the princess will sleep until the prince wakes her up. Her dream will last a hundred years.
The king ordered to remove all the spindles from the castle, but after a while the princess still pricked her finger and fell asleep. The good sorceress did so that everyone in the palace, including the king and the queen, fell asleep.
A hundred years later, the prince went hunting. He saw the old palace, and began to ask passers-by about him. One person told him a story about a sleeping princess. The heart in the prince's chest caught fire, and he hurried to the gate of the old castle. When he entered the castle, he saw a lot of sleeping people. He entered the luxurious room and saw a sleeping princess on the bed. Gold seemed dim, compared with the beauty of the princess.
The prince knelt before the princess, and she woke up. The castle rustled and the rest of the inhabitants of the house woke up.
The bride and groom were invited to the dining room. They were served dishes of old cuisine, and musicians played songs of the past.
The fairy tale once again proves that good conquers evil, and love is able to resist any evil deeds.
Хотя сегодня Лондонский Тауэр является известной достопримечательностью, в это была крепость, дворец, тюрьма и даже место, где деньги было сделано. Просто после 1066, Вильгельм Завоеватель приказал построить главную башню, который стал называться Белый Башня после того, как его побелили в 1241 году. Известная часть лондонского Тауэра предатель ворота, через которые те, кто был расстроен королей и Королев Англии были привезены в Тауэр. Позже, заключенных будет взят из их клеток будет казнен на Тауэр-Грин, внутри башни стены. Делать призраки Генриха VIII жен еще ходить этими путями? Сегодня Башня является домом для знаменитых черных Воронов, драгоценности короны и Обжоры в разноцветных мундирах, все они хорошо известны символы Англии по всему миру. Каждый вечер, в 10 часов вечера, туристы могут наблюдать знаменитые церемонии вручения ключей, когда башня закрыта на ночь.
It was difficult time. I was anxious about my relationships with others. I was in political discuss club. There were many conflicts, no discussions. People were ready to battle for their opinion. And I was in that number. I was defend conservative politics, I like it. I was in discussion with liberals and communists, but I persistively defend my position. Though, I lost last friendly relationships. I was in politics, I loved it! I like politics and the other processes linked with it. I prefer conservatism, because it is ideology that defend national traditions, traditional family and, I think, it is main. I prefer left-conservative ideology. It is combination social ideas with ideas of defend of traditions of national country.