Are the underlined verbs in the correct tense? If not, rewrite them correctly. 1 When I got home, I was making the dinner. 2 As we were walking home, we helped an old lady to cross the road. 3 When I looked out of the window, I saw that it rained. 4 Last year, I was spending my holidays in the US. 5 When the phone rang, I stopped what I did and answered it immediately. 6 I was unlucky because I walked in the park when it started to rain, 7 I asked her why she cried.
1. The company guarantees its customers a high level of quality of the goods it produces . 2. Large volume of sales does not always guarantee a profit , the financial success of pref 3.Recent surveys show that household income decreased by 10 % over the past six months . 4. The subject of our business and industry - financial services to private individuals . 5.Reasonable business plan assesses the information about business activity in the market, sales plans and creates a model of the enterprise for the future . 6. Point of sale of the network provide high 7. We wish to open an account in this branch of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation , and to keep there money . 8. Auditors refused to sign the financial statement , since it was found in hidden debt . 9. The Company is developing a new model of equipment and invest large funds to this project . 10.Before than to give a loan to an individual , the bank estimates the personal income of the borrower , and based on that it makes the final decision .
I (will be thinking) of you. 7. I don`t feel well enough to go the station to meet him. I (will meet) him for you. But how will I (recognize) him? He`s small and fair, and he (will be wearing) a black and white school cap. 8. - You`ve left the light on. - Oh, so have I. I (will go) and turn it off. 9. This time next Monday I (will be sitting) in a Paris cafe reading le Figaro. - You (will not be reading). You`ll be looking at all the pretty girls. 10. - Waiter, this plate is dirty. - I`m sorry, sir, I (will bring) you another one.